The carnival freak in my poster features "Dog Face" who is half man and half dog. The text i used for those words is called Rosewood and they are held within yellow banners and bubbles. Gradients were added to those objects as well as a filter called "posterize".
Dog Face was created using an image of myself in a suit and an image of my dog. The dog's head replaces my head and i used the clone stamp tool to create the fur on my hands as well as a tail to my image's back. Dog Face also has a drop shadow in order to create a light source and to have him come forward.
Dog Face is framed within the text and within an oval hole in a red rectangle. I also added a blue floral pattern last minute, since Angela taught me a neat trick using Eduardian text to make such patterns.
The background is originally a gold curtain, but I had to give it a shade of blue in order to give it a cool color that would bring it behind Dog Face. The image is borrowed from freedigitalphotos.net by a photographer who goes by the name of "nuttakit".